I've went through Valentine's day alone more than once! It is so depressing. You feel like it's a holiday that was invented to make people that are alone realise they are alone.
Well, with my experience, I found a couple of tricks to cope with being alone on Valentine's day
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 1
Go see a movie. Not a romantic, or romantic comedy. Go see a horror, a comedy or even an action movie, but nothing that will make you think of love. The goal here is to put your mind on something else.
To your regular ordinary
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Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 2
Play some video games. That is always a no-brainer, playing video games distracts you completely from the real world. Plus, you can actually court that hot virtual beauty from level 4.
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 3
Play sports. You'll clear up your mind, and you can even let go of all the stress and agressivity. Of course, miniature golf might not be the best idea... But hey, to each his own.
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 4
Order take out or eat at home. You don't need to go out to the restaurants and see all those couples kissing and groping, it will just depress you more.
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 5
Call your single friends. Have a group activity. Like Pictionary. I don't really like pictionary, but you get what I mean, right$%:
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 6
Go out clubbing. Most probably, there will be other singles out clubbing, all as desperate as you are to find someone to be there Valentine. So this is a great night to maybe pick someone up.
Coping with being Alone on Valentine's day tip 7
Online dating. Same as the clubbing, Valentines day is full of singles on the dating scene, all those people feeling alone just like you. Hey, if you don't find someone, you'll at least talk to someone that is almost 99% sure!